If you read my luxury handbag collection post, then you'll know that I've been looking to add a neutral bag into my collection for some time.
My handbags do tend to be either black and brown tones, but I've been searching for that perfect blush pink bag and just so happens I have hit the jackpot with my newest luxury bag purchase from GUCCI.
Gucci is easily my number one designer brand! Just take a peek at my wishlist to see how obsessed I am with everything that this brand does (except for the Elton John or NY Yankee's lines) but still they produce enough gems for me to be able to forgive these eccentricities.
When home in England, I rarely pass up the opportunity to visit the luxury outlet village Bicester Village and on the last three visits I've been extraordinarily fortunate to have bagged myself a new GUCCI bag and this recent trip has been no exception ...
While checking out the newly refurbed Gucci store, I spotted this beauty and had to have it!! So without further ado, let me introduce you to my newest baby the Gucci Large Dollar interlocking bag.
This top handle flap bag in soft pink leather with interlocking G closure and detachable chain shoulder strap in soft blush and shiny rhodium hardware is perfect in every way, and extremely versatile to dress or dress down. I usually pair this with soft blush tones tops with skinny jeans and find the size and shape comfortable to hold on the shoulder or straight up by the top handle.
I'm thrilled to add it into my collection & long may my Bicester village luck continue ...
I also managed to snap up the matching wallet and these stunning blush tone trainers, which makes this haul a successful Pretty in PINK Gucci extravaganza. HAPPYDAYS
I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new Gucci bag and let me what Gucci bag you're currently coveting?
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